What Is The Jury Selection Process Like?

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You never know if there will come a time when you’ll be in court and will need to have a jury on your side. A jury is one of the most important forces in a court of law. Whether it’s for a criminal trial or a lawsuit, a jury might hold your future in their hands. When you consider this, it’s important to know how a jury is selected in the first place.…

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Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney As Soon As Possible After An Arrest

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If your spouse has been arrested for a crime, the first thing you want to do is hire a criminal defense attorney. It doesn’t matter if your spouse is guilty or innocent, they need a lawyer for the best outcome. Ideally, the lawyer will be present before your spouse gives a statement to the police or answers questions. Here are some reasons your spouse needs guidance from a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.…

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Beyond The Drunk Driver: Other Parties You May Sue If Hurt In A DUI Accident

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If you have been injured in an accident caused by an intoxicated driver, don’t limit your accident claim to the driver. Sure, they are the most obvious liable party for your case, but there are other potentially liable parties depending on the facts of the case. Such parties may include: The Alcohol Provider In some cases, liability for your injuries may extend to the person who provided the drunk driver with alcohol.…

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