Putting Together The Details Of Your Workers' Compensation Case

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If you are gainfully employed, you need to keep in mind that this comes with certain rights by law. When a person hires you, they need to provide you with workers’ compensation payments if you get hurt on company time. This applies to any full-time employees, and your job keeps an insurance policy just in case they have to make these payments.  However, this becomes a legal matter at times whenever you don’t get paid, or if you aren’t paid promptly or enough.…

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What You Should Do if You Believe You've Been the Victim of Age Discrimination

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Age discrimination is a form of victimization that comes with many different faces. Applying for a job and being turned down on the basis of your perceived older appearance or even being fired from a career that you’ve been involved in for a long time simply because you’ve grown older are just a couple of examples of ways that age discrimination can rear its ugly head. If you believe that someone has acted unfairly toward you in a way that cost you your livelihood strictly because of your age, you should do something about it.…

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Adopting Your Stepchild: 4 Steps To Get Started

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If you are married to someone who has a child from a previous relationship, you may be considering adopting that child as your own. This frequently happens when the child’s other birth parent is absent or out of the picture. But adopting your step child is not as simple as just walking down to the courthouse and signing a couple pieces of paper. Here are the four basic steps to follow in this process.…

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