Benefits Of Arbitration Over Litigation

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When it comes to resolving disputes, arbitration is becoming a more often utilized tool over litigation. Although arbitrations are simpler and more straightforward, you need to realize that they are not always ideal for every situation. The following is some information about arbitration and how it can make a difference in your dispute: Timing is Everything One of the first considerations when contemplating arbitration is when you intend to deal with your dispute.…

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Non-Economic Damages: What Are They And Do Qualify For Them?

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If you suffered mental problems due to your car accident, you may wonder if it’s possible to obtain compensation for your condition. Although it can be tough, you may be able to claim non-economic damages in your case. However, you’ll need a personal injury attorney’s help to obtain the medical documentation you need for your claim. Here’s more information about non-economic damages and how you can pursue them. What Are Non-Economic Damages?…

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Modifying A Parenting Plan Without Going To Court

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You don’t have to go to court to modify a parenting plan. You can make the modifications on your own and then take it to court for approval. You shouldn’t have any problems as long as your modifications don’t hurt your child’s welfare. Here are three tips on how to go about the modification: Approach Your Partner with Your Concerns If you are still on good terms with your ex, then there is nothing to stop you from approaching them directly with your concerns.…

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