Dealing With Finances During Divorce: Important Steps You Need To Take

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Many couples divorce over money and financial issues. Unfortunately, you can still endure financial stress once the divorce process begins. One of the most complex parts of divorce is settling your finances and dividing your assets and debts. To best prepare for this process and to keep your own finances in order, consider the following: Open Your Own Bank Accounts If you have not yet done so, open checking and savings accounts in your name only.…

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3 Essential Services Offered By Probate Lawyers

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Distributing assets after the death of a loved one is never easy. It requires a lot of time and planning to avoid any future problems. That is why it is essential that you work with a probate lawyer who has experience with these types of cases. Here are three important services offered by these professionals. 1. Securing Estate Assets Many people find themselves in financial trouble during the probate process because they do not have asset protection plans set up before their death.…

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What Can Be Found During Divorce Discovery?

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Discovery is part of almost all trials from personal injury and criminal cases to divorce and contract disputes. This part of the legal process directs both sides of an issue to be forthcoming with evidence and information about the case prior to the beginning of the trial. All of the information gathered during discovery helps prepare for the upcoming trial. While discovery techniques are not used as often during divorce, some complex divorce situations can call for nothing less.…

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