Don'ts To Follow If You're Planning To File A Workers' Compensation Claim

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If you get hurt on the job, state law entitles you to benefits to cover your medical expenses and part of your lost wages provided you file a workers’ compensation claim. Still, benefits aren’t always easy to get. With more than 3 million nonfatal workplace accidents and illnesses reported by private industry employers each year, it’s important to know your workers’ compensation rights. That includes knowing what NOT to do when you file a claim.…

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How Guardianship Works

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Whenever individuals can no longer take proper care of themselves, it’s often necessary that the courts intervene. The court will (in these circumstances) appoint a “guardian” to act in the best interest and on behalf of the person now incapacitated. This incapacitated individual is called a “ward.” The guardian helps the ward manage daily affairs and needs, as well as the ward’s finances. The role a guardian plays in their ward’s life varies, as it depends on the degree in which the ward is incapacitated.…

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Finding Solutions And Staying Informed - Questions To Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney

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A situation where you need to seek out the services of a personal injury or accident attorney can be one of the most stressful periods of your life. Many people in these situations are entirely unfamiliar with the process, and that lack of familiarity can breed more stress and concern. The best way to alleviate your concerns in this process is to ask your lawyer the right questions. If you’re unsure about the information you need, the guide below will provide you with some basic ideas for ways to start opening lines of communication and getting the knowledge that you need to move forward with confidence.…

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