When you hear about rear-end car accidents, you normally expect the person in the back to be considered the at-fault driver, simply because the person in back is the one who ran into the person in front of him or her. While this is normally the case, there are situations in which the front driver is actually the person responsible for the collision. If you were recently in a car accident where you rear-ended a driver in front of you, there is a chance that this accident was not your fault.…
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It is very unfortunate, but everyone lives in a day and age where both parents are regarded as having rights to the children. For a very long time, mothers had no rights, and then the tables flipped at the turn of the century and fathers had no rights. Now, both biological parents have rights unless there is an extenuating circumstance that one parent not have any parental rights at all. Sadly, being a convicted criminal does not prevent you from having legal rights and access to a child.…
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It’s never a good day when you get injured. However, if you’re at work when this happens, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim. If you have success, you’ll be able to receive financial payments for medical bills and lost work. However, this can be a lengthy process and one you’ll want to be careful when doing. It’s ideal to know specific tips to help ensure you receive this money.…
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