By Land Or By Sea, Field Sobriety Tests Are Making Waves

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Law enforcement officers have the discretion to administer breathalyzer and field sobriety tests if they suspect you’ve been operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol. Courts continue to debate the admissibility of the field tests, while some argue against releasing field-gathered breath test results to the media. Field impairment testing is making the news in the following ways: DUI suspects should have protection prior to court, say Vermonters. In Vermont, prosecutors don’t want the state police to publicly post the results of roadside alcohol breath tests before charged individuals have their day in court.…

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The Pros And Cons Of Joint Custody

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If you’re contemplating a divorce or beginning divorce proceedings, one of the chief concerns you’re likely to have is who will have custody of the children. While joint custody may seem like the logical solution, and does offer many benefits for families, it’s not the right choice for every couple. It’s important to evaluate the pros and cons of such an arrangement carefully before you make this crucial decision.  Advantages of joint custody…

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Tips For Avoiding Common Problems With Your Workers' Compensation Claim

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Being injured while at work is something that can happen to anyone, and when these unfortunate accidents happen, you can find yourself struggling to work while being crushed with medical bills. Luckily, workers’ compensation policies are designed to protect you from these consequences, and every employer is required to carry this type of policy. However, filing these claims can be difficult and complicated, but if you follow these two tips, you may be able to help ensure you avoid some routine complications that arise from these cases.…

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