How To Make A Successful Dental Injury Claim

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Has your dentist’s negligence or malpractice resulted in your injury?  If you have sustained injuries or infections to your teeth, gums, or jaw bone as a result of dental work completed by a dentist or their staff, you may file a dental injury or malpractice claim against them. Before you file, it is important to seek legal advice from a dental injury attorney to establish if you may sue for dental malpractice.…

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What To Know About Getting Into An Accident With A Semi-Truck

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If you get into an accident with another driver on the road, you likely have some expectations about what will happen when dealing with the other vehicle’s driver. However, things may be a bit different if you are involved in an accident with a semi-truck. Here is what you likely want to know about semi-truck related auto accidents. Do Semi-Truck Drivers Follow Different Rules? The first thing you need to be aware of is that semi-truck drivers have their own set of rules that they need to follow, since they are driving a commercial vehicle that is much bigger than the standard car.…

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How to Deal with an Improper Lien on a Property

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When dealing with real estate, one of the stickiest issues to address is when there’s an improper lien placed on a property. There are some concerns you’ll need to address, and here are three of the big ones a real estate attorney will tell you to look into. Who Placed the Lien The first order of business is determining who the heck placed the lien to start with. A lien can arise from many things, such as outstanding debts, tax bills, legal judgments, and claims on collateral.…

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