Tips For Managing Your Personal Injury Case With A Pre-Existing Condition

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When it comes to personal injury law, one of the biggest challenges is determining how your pre-existing conditions may have affected the situation. It’s made more difficult because every state has its own regulations about how to handle those cases. If you’re facing a personal injury case with a pre-existing condition, you’ll want to be sure that you understand exactly how that condition affects the case. Here’s what you should know before you file.…

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Avoiding Blame: 3 Things Not To Say After A Slip And Fall Injury

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Public places have the responsibility to keep their place of business safe for visitors, and they even carry liability insurance to cover accidents. However, just because these are the general rules, it does not always mean if you slip and fall in a store, restaurant, or other place of business, they will step up and make sure you are taken care of. In fact, it is not at all uncommon for places to try to avoid their own liability by blaming you for your injuries.…

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4 Reasons To Invest In Disability Insurance

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If you ever reach the point where you can’t work because of an injury, you may wonder what will happen to you and your family. Many people assume that they can simply file for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA) and be done with it. But you may not be approved. Private disability insurance is an option that can offer what you need in these instances. Here are four reasons to invest in a policy for yourself.…

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